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Xiaozhong Zhang

Xiaozhong Zhang

Deputy Director/Professor
Tsinghua University


Prof. Xiaozhong Zhang completed his PhD in 1989 from University of Oxford and postdoctoral studies at The Royal Institution of Greast Britain in 1992. Then he worked as a faculty at National University of Singapore for seven years. Since 1999 he has been working as a professor at School of Materails Science and Engineering of Tsinghua University. He is now the deputy director of the Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials, Education Ministry, and is serving as the deputy chief of Chinese national nano-technology standardization committee. He has published more than 190 papers in referred journals and is a co-editor of IUCrJ.

Research Interest

Spintronic materials and devices, Carbon Materials, Nanomaterials and Nanostructure, Electron Microscopy, Computational Materials Science.