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Alexander Seifalian

Alexander Seifalian

University of College London


Alexander Seifalian is the Director and Professor of Nanotechnology & Regenerative Medicine at Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine Ltd, University of College London(UCL), London,UK. he developed a lacrimal drainage conduit, vascular bypass graft, and trachea made from nanocomposite polymers and stem cells and delivered them from the laboratory directly to patients. In addition, he is also taking a further three products to clinical trials within the next three year, which include a coronary artery bypass graft in 2012, a transcatheter heart valve in 2013 (both funded by the Wellcome Trust), and a nerve conduit for nerve regeneration funded by the Technology Strategy Board (TSB). His current projects have led to the development of cardiovascular implants using nanomaterials and stem cell technology, and the development of organs using tissue engineering and nanoparticles for detection and treatment of cancer. He has also developed a family of nanomaterials and nanocomposite polymers for a range of biomedical applications.He was awarded the top prize in the field for development of nanomaterials and technologies for cardiovascular implants in 2007 by Medical Future Innovation, and in 2009 received a Business Innovation Award from UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) in the Life Sciences and Healthcare category.

Research Interest

Nanomaterials,Biomaterials,Regenerative Medicine, Polymer Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Tissue Engineering, Stem Cells, Cancer.